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  1. Tasaka, M., Kato, T. and Fukaki, H.
    Genetic regulation of gravitropism in higher plants.
    Int. Rev. Cyol., 206, 135-154, 2001. [PubMed]
  2. Helariutta, Y.*, Fukaki, H.*, Wysocka-Diller, J., Nakajima, K., Jung, J., Sena, G., Hauser, M.-T. and Benfey, P.N.
    (*These authors contributed equally to this research)
    The SHORT-ROOT gene controls radial patterning of the Arabidopsis root through radial signaling.
    Cell, 101, 555-567, 2000. [ PubMed]
  3. Wysocka-Diller, J.W.*, Helariutta, Y.*, Fukaki, H.*, Malamy, J.E. and Benfey, P.N.
    (*The first three authors contributed equally to the research)
    Molecular analysis of SCARECROW function reveals a radial patterning mechanism common to root and shoot.
    Development, 127, 595-603, 2000. [PubMed]
  4. Fukaki, H. and Tasaka, M.
    Gravity perception and gravitropic response of inflorescence stems in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Advance in Space Res., 24, 763-770, 1999. [PubMed]
  5. Liu, Y.-G., Shirano, Y., Fukaki, H., Yanai, Y., Tasaka, M., Tabata, S. and Shibata, D.
    Complementation of plant mutants with large genomic DNA fragments by a transformation-competent artificial chromosome vector accelerates positional cloning.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96, 6535-6540, 1999. [PubMed]
  6. Tasaka, M., Kato, T. and Fukaki, H.
    The endodermis and shoot gravitropism.
    Trends in Plant Sci., 4, 103-107, 1999. [PubMed]
  7. Fukaki, H., Wysocka-Diller, J., Kato, T., Fujisawa, H. Benfey, P.N. and Tasaka, M.
    Genetic evidence that the endodermis is essential for shoot gravitropism in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant J., 14, 425-430, 1998. [PubMed]
  8. Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H. and Tasaka, M.
    The RHG gene is involved in root and hypocotyl gravitropism in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Cell Physiol., 38, 804-810, 1997. [PubMed]
  9. Aida, M., Ishida, T., Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H. and Tasaka, M.
    Genes involved in organ separation in Arabidopsis: an analysis of the cup-shaped cotyledon mutant.
    Plant Cell, 9, 841-857, 1997. [PubMed]
  10. Yamauchi, Y., Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H. and Tasaka, M.
    Mutations in the SGR4, SGR5 and SGR6 loci of Arabidopsis thaliana alter the shoot gravitropism.
    Plant Cell Physiol., 38, 530-535, 1997. [PubMed]
  11. Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H. and Tasaka, M.
    How do plant shoots bend up? The initial step to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of shoot gravitropism using Arabidopsis thaliana.
    J. Plant Res., 109, 129-137, 1996. [PubMed]
  12. Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H. and Tasaka, M.
    SGR1, SGR2 and SGR3: novel genetic loci involved in shoot gravitropism in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Physiol., 110, 945-955, 1996. [PubMed]
  13. Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H. and Tasaka, M.
    Gravitropic response of inflorescence stems in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Physiol., 110, 933-943, 1996. [PubMed]

  1. 深城英弘(2001)植物の重力感知システム「植物学がわかる」アエラムック71、88-91.
  2. 田坂昌生、多米田悟司、深城英弘(2001)植物の根に関する諸問題 -側根形成の分子機構-、農業と園芸 76、707-714.
  3. 深城英弘、田坂昌生(2000)重力屈性の遺伝的制御 「新版 植物の形を決める分子機構」植物細胞工学シリーズ 12、257-267.
  4. 田坂昌生、丸橋弘治、深城英弘(2000)重力が植物の成長におよぼす影響に関する分子遺伝学的アプローチ、「宇宙植物科学の最前線」IGE シリーズ 28、153-166.
  5. 深城英弘(1998)重力を感じる細胞、Biohistory 6、12-13.