1. Objectives of the Laboratory
We have been engaged in a broad program of experimental and theoretical studies on heat transfer. Our particular motivation has generally been the problems associated with nuclear reactor accidents and power plant boilers. We also specialize in general heat transfer problems such as heat exchanger performance and energy conservation problems. Rather than studying complicated problems directly, we have chosen to examine more fundamental problems that can shed light on particular aspects of the overall process.Our current researches are focused on single-phase heat transfer, boiling heat transfer, transient heat transfer, heat transfer process accompanying chemical reactions.
2. Activities for Education and Research Projects
For education programs
(1)Undergraduate course: Heat Transfer Engineering, Thermal Engineering
of Nuclear Reactors, Marine Engineering Experiment,Material and Environmental
Engineering(2)Graduate course: Marine Thermal Energy Transport,Advanced
Energy SystemFor research projects
This Laboratory is equipped with the following Main Equipment: (1) Heat transfer test loop of flowing gas (2) Boiling heat transfer experimental apparatus (3) Forced convection heat transfer test loop of flowing water (4) Mono-tube boiler (5) High speed video camera General researches activities: referring to the following Research Topics
3. Recent Research Topics and Their Outlines
(1) Steady-state and Transient Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Gases
(Experimental and Numerical Approaches)
Transient heat transfer coefficients for forced convection flow of gas
(such as Helium, Argon et al.) over a horizontal cylinder are measured
using a forced convection test loop. The platinum heater was heated by
electric current with an exponential increase of Q0exp(t/τ) . The effects of flowing velocity, heat input increasing period
on the heat transfer process are investigated.
(2) Forced Convection Film Boiling Heat Transfer
(Numerical Approach)
The knowledge of forced convection film boiling heat transfer is important
as the basic of understanding the reflooding phenomenon during the emergency
cooling in a water-cooled nuclear reactor under a loss of coolant accident.
The purpose of this study is to derive a new correlation for forced convection
film boiling heat transfer based on theoretical solution and authors previous
experimental data under wide ranges of experimental conditions.
(3) Transient Boiling Heat Transfer for Exponential Heat Input
The correct understanding and prediction of the transient boiling heat
transfer caused by rapidly increasing heat input (power transient) become
important as the database for the safety assessment of nuclear reactor
accidents caused by a power burst. They are also interesting as a fundamental
problem of time varying boiling heat transfer. Our current research is
focused on obtaining systematically the database for the critical heat
fluxes resulting from exponentially increasing heat inputs with various
exponential periods.
(4) Heat Transfer Process Accompanying Chemical Reactions
To achieve reduction of primary energy consumption and prevent deterioration
of global environment, a liquid-phase methanol synthesis process was investigated
to recover wasted or unused discharged heat from industrial sources for
the thermal energy demands of residential and commercial areas. Studies
are carried out on the transport and reaction processes of the thermal
energy recovery, transportation, and utilization system by methanol synthesis
and decomposition.
(5)CFD Analysis