固体飛跡検出器及び原子核乾板の基礎と応用に関わる研究成果を交換する研究会を、神戸大学 深江キャンパスで開催します。これらの検出器は、宇宙放射線計測や重イオンがん治療に関わる生物細胞照射実験、中性子線計測、高強度レーザー駆動イオン加速、トラック年代測定、核査察環境試料分析といった広範な分野で応用されています。一方では、放射線物理や放射線化学の基礎的視点から、種々の物質に高速の荷電粒子がもたらす効果に関する研究が続けられています。飛跡検出器というひとつの研究手段で結びついた、専門分野を異にする様々な研究テーマに取り組んでいる専門家が一堂に会して活発な議論が行われている学際的な研究会です。
This series of workshops has been providing annual opportunities to exchange recent achievements on the fundamentals and applications of Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, in which the trajectory of energetic proton and heavy ions in some dielectric materials are visualized by chemical treatments. This is a passive radiation detector used in various branches of science and technology such as nuclear physics, cosmic rays, dosimetry in space, neutron dosimetry, radiation biology, dating, laser-driven particle acceleration and so on. On the fundamental aspects, the formation process of tracks in solids has been investigated from viewpoint of radiation physics and radiation chemistry. This is an unique workshop where attendances from many different fields come to discuss together, which has long history established in 1983. You are invited to attend and make a presentation in this workshop. For more details, please visit the following workshop web site.
金崎 真聡 (世話人)
〒658-0022 神戸市東灘区深江南町5-1-1
Please feel free to contact the secretary.
Kobe University
5-1-1 Fukaeminami-machi 5-1-1, Higashinada-ku,Kobe 658-0022, Japan