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更新日 2020-01-04 | 作成日 2020-01-04

神戸大学大学院 農学研究科

Laboratory of Biochemistry Frontiers
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, KOBE UNIV.


研究報告 2019年


[1] Momoko Imai, Hiroshi Inui, Hitoshi Ashida, Kimio Nishimura, Takahiro Inakuma, Nobuhide Fujitake. Characterization of an angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor substance in tomato juice. Journal of Life Science Research, 16, 1-7, 2018.

[2] Tomoya Kitakaze, Atsushi Makiyama, Yumi Samukawa, Songyan Jiang, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida. A physiological concentration of luteolin induces phase II drug-metabolizaing enzymes through the ERK1/2 signaling pathway in HepG2 cells. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 663, 151-159, 2019. IF: 3.559

[3] Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Yusuke Kubota, Yumi Samukawa, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida. Glabridin inhibits dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 664, 157-166, 2019. IF: 3.559

[4] Hao Jiang, Yoko Yamashita, Asuka Nakamura, Kevin Croft, Hitoshi Ashida. Quercetin and its metabolite isorhamnetin promote glucose uptake through different signalling pathways in myotubes. Scientific Reports, 9, 2690, 2019. IF: 4.011

[5] Akiko Takagaki, Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Yoko Yamashita, Tomoya Nagano, Masaki Ikeda, Aya Hara-Terawaki, Ryota Seto, Hitoshi Ashida. Effects of microbial metabolites of (−)-epigallocatechin gallate on glucose uptake in L6 skeletal muscle cell and glucose tolerance in ICR mice. Biological Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 42, 212–221, 2019. IF: 1.540

[6] Manabu Ueda-Wakagi, Hironobu Nagayasu, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida. Green tea ameliorates hyperglycemia by promoting the translocation of glucose transporter 4 in the skeletal muscle of diabetic rodents. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 2436, 2019. IF: 4.183

[7] Yoko Yamashita, Hideyuki Kishida, Kaku Nakagawa, Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Hitoshi Ashida. Liquorice flavonoid oil suppresses hyperglycaemia accompanied by skeletal muscle myocellular GLUT4 recruitment to the plasma membrane in KK-Ay mice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 70, 294-302, 2019. IF: 2.792

[8] Yoko Yamashita, Masaaki Okabe, Midori Natsume, Hitoshi Ashida. Cacao liquor procyanidins prevent postprandial hyperglycaemia by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 activity and AMP-activated protein kinase in mice. Journal of Nutritional Science, 8, e2, 2019. IF: N/A

[9] Keizo Hosokawa, Atsuyuki Hishida, Shin Nishiumi, Eri Fukushi, Jun Kawabata, Hitoshi Ashida. Isolation and identification of compounds with dioxin-induced AhR transformation inhibitory activity from the leaves of Mallotus japonicus (Thunb.) Muell. Arg. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 13, 167-172, 2019. IF: N/A

[10] Shinji Takenaka, Moe Yokoyama, Yukihiro Kimura, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida. Characterization of an organic-solvent-stable elastase from Pseudomonas indica and its potential use in eggshell membrane hydrolysis. Process Biochemistry, 85, 156-163, 2019. IF: 2.883

[11] Hao Jiang, Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Sihao Yuan, Yuko Horiuchi, Yoko Yamashita, Kevin D Croft, Hitoshi Ashida. Enzymatically modified isoquercitrin promotes energy metabolism through activating AMPKα in male C57BL/6 mice. Food & Function, 10, 5188-5202, 2019. IF: 3.241

[12] Chiaki Domae, Fumio Namba, Toshinari Maruo, Toshio Suzuki, Hitoshi Ashida, Yoko Yamashita. Black soybean seed coat polyphenols promote nitric oxide production in the aorta through glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion from the intestinal cells. Food & Function, 10, 7875-7882, 2019. IF: 3.241

[13] Huiqiao Wu, Morimaru Kida, Akiko Domoto, Masayuki Hara, Hitoshi Ashida, Takeshi Suzuki , Nobuhide Fujitake. The effects of fertilization treatments and cropping systems on long-term dynamics and spectroscopic characteristics of dissolved organic matter in paddy soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 65, 557-565, 2019. IF: 1.415


[1] 山下陽子.黒大豆ポリフェノールの機能性に関する研究. 化学と生物. 57, 146-152, 2019.

[2] 山下陽子. グラブリジンの筋重量に及ぼす効果とその作用機構,日本ポリフェノール学会誌, 8, 27-30, 2019.

[3] 芦田均.腸内環境からみたダイズポリフェノールの機能性と健康長寿.アグリバイオ, 3, 1203-1207, 2019.


[4] 芦田均,榊原啓之,山下陽子. 摂取タイミングによる黒大豆ポリフェノールの機能性変動解. 飯島藤十郎財団報告書, 2019.



[1] 〇井上雅子, 袁思豪, 北風智也, 吉岡泰淳, 芦田均:熟成ニンニク抽出液(AGE)によるアルコール代謝促進効果の検証. 日本農芸化学会2019年度大会, 東京農業大学, 3月24日-27日1B3p02.

[2] 〇山下陽子, 仲村明日賀, 王柳青, 堂前千晶, 難波文男, 齋藤静, 鈴木利雄, 三樹文男, 芦田均: ヒト介入試験における黒大豆の血管機能に及ぼす効果. 日本農芸化学会2019年度大会, 東京農業大学, 3月24日-27日1B3p12.

[3] 〇堂前千晶, 難波文男, 鈴木利雄, 芦田均, 山下陽子: 黒大豆ポリフェノールは一酸化窒素産生を促進して、血管機能を向上させる. 日本農芸化学会2019年度大会, 東京農業大学, 3月24日-27日1B3p13.

[4] 〇北風智也, 牧山敦志, 山下陽子, 芦田均: 投与タイミングの違いが生理的濃度のルテオリンによるNrf2の活性化に与える影響. 日本農芸化学会2018年度大会, 名城大学, 3月15日-18日2B02a13.

[5] 〇Chiaki Domae, Fumio Nanba, Toshio Suzuki, Hitoshi Ashida, Yoko Yamashita: The effects of black soybean polyphenols on vascular function and its mechanism. The 9th Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Reserch-Asia (SFRR-Asia), Kyoto, April 4-7 p.121.

[6] 〇Tomoya Kitakaze, Atsushi Makiyama, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: A physiological concentration of luteolin induces antioxidant enzymes through the ERK1/2-mediated Nrf2/ARE pathway in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. The 9th Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Reserch-Asia (SFRR-Asia), Kyoto, April 4-7 p.123.

[7] 〇山下陽子, 難波文男, 鈴木利雄, 芦田均: 黒大豆種皮由来ポリフェノールの脂肪蓄積予防効果とその作用機構. 第73回 日本栄養・食糧学会, 静岡県立大学, 5月17日-19日 p.209.

[8] 〇田暁闊, 北風智也, 山下陽子, 芦田均: ウコンに含まれるビサクロンが肝臓の脂質代謝に及ぼす影響の検討. 第73回 日本栄養・食糧学会, 静岡県立大学, 5月17日-19日 p.209.

[9] 〇廣直賢勇, 黄舒皎, 光橋雄史, 山下陽子, 芦田均: カカオポリフェノール抽出物による時計遺伝子の調節とその作用機構解明. 第73回 日本栄養・食糧学会, 静岡県立大学, 5月17日-19日 p.211.

[10] 〇北風智也, 牧山敦志, 山下陽子, 芦田均: ベンゾピレンによる時計遺伝子発現の異常に対するポリフェノール類の抑制効果について. 第73回 日本栄養・食糧学会, 静岡県立大学, 5月17日-19日 p.212.

[11] 〇田中航, 松山弘希, 横山大悟, 山下陽子, 芦田均, 窄野昌信, 榊原啓之: 黒大豆種皮抽出物はApoE欠損マウスの血中脂質量を低下させる. 第73回 日本栄養・食糧学会, 静岡県立大学, 5月17日-19日 p.250.

[12] 〇HAO JIANG, 吉岡泰淳, Sihao Yuan, 山下陽子, 芦田均: Enzymatically modified isoquercitrin promotes energy metabolism through activating AMPKα in C57BL/6 mice. 第73回 日本栄養・食糧学会, 静岡県立大学, 5月17日-19日 p.269.

[13] 〇Tomoya Kitakaze, Masako Inoue, Sihao Yuan, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: AGED GARLIC EXTRACT INDUCES ALDEHYDE DEHYDOGENASE IN HEPG2 CELLS. 2019 International Garlic Symposium, Hiroshima, May 28-30

[14] 〇北風智也, 牧山敦志, 芦田均: 生理的濃度のルテオリンによるNrf2 の活性化と投与タイミングの影響. 日本ビタミン学会第72回大会, とりぎん文化会館, 6月7-8日 p.205

[15] 〇Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Roasted black soybean improved vascular function in human. 13th Asian Congress of Nutrition 2019 (ACN2019), Bali, Aug 3-7, p.73.

[16] 〇Tomoya Kitakaze, Atsushi Makiyama, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Molecular mechanism of physiological concentration of luteolin-Induced Nrf2 activation. 13th Asian Congress of Nutrition 2019 (ACN2019), Bali, Aug 3-7, p.271.

[17] 〇Hitoshi Ashida, Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Yoko Yamashita: Glabridin inhibits dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy. 13th Asian Congress of Nutrition 2019 (ACN2019), Bali, Aug 3-7, p.287.

[18] 〇井上雅子, 袁思豪, 北風智也, 芦田均: 熟成ニンニク抽出液によるアルデヒド脱水素酵素の誘導. 第34回 日本香辛料研究会, 九州大学, 11月8日-9日 p.7-8.

[19] 〇Hao Jiang, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Prevention effects of quercetin and its glucosides on glucose and lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-fed mice after long-term feeding. 第58回日本栄養・食糧学会近畿支部大会, 京都大学, 11月16日 p.58.

[20] 〇野村拓也, 北風智也, 芦田均: AhRを介する体内時計の変調に対するポリフェノールの抑制機構. 第58回日本栄養・食糧学会近畿支部大会, 京都大学, 11月16日 p.65. (若手優秀発表者賞)

[21] 〇Hao Jiang, Sihao Yuan, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: The effect of kaempferol on glucose uptake in L6 myotubes. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.23, 41.

[22] 〇Yuki Nakagawa, Yosuke Iizumi, Takeshi Ishi, Hitoshi Ashida, Mitsugu Akagawa: A systematic and comprehensive analytical strategy to identify quercetin-modified protein. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.40.

[23] 〇Risa Hasegawa, Yiyun Liu, Tomoya Kitakaze, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Promotion of lipolysis and browning by Ashitaba chalcones in differentiated 3T3-L1 cells via AMPK pathway. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.44.

[24] 〇Hao Jiang, Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Sihao Yuan, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Enzymatically modified isoquercitrin promotes lipid and glucose metabolism through activating AMPKα in C57BL/6 mice. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.44.

[25] 〇Mariko Shiraiwa, Hitoshi Ashida, Yoko Yamashita: Black soybean seed coat extract prevents obesity and its signaling mechanism. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.44.

[26] 〇Chiaki Domae, Fumio Nanba, Toshinari Maruo, Toshio Suzuki, Hitoshi Ashida, Yoko Yamashita: Black soybean seed coat polyphenols improve vascular function by promoting NO production via GLP-1 secretion. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.48.

[27] 〇Hitoshi ashida, Yumi Samukawa, Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Yusuke Kubota, Yoko Yamashita: 4-Hydroxyderricin and xanthoangelol from Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei) prevent dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.49.

[28] 〇Tomoya Kitakaze, Atsushi Makiyama, Rika Nakai, Yuki Kimura, Hitoshi Ashida: Co-treatment with kaempferol and luteolin modulates TCDD- and t-BHQ-induced drug-metabolizing enzymes. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.51.

[29] 〇Tomoya Kitakaze, Atsushi Makiyama, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Involvement of circadian rhythm on luteolin-induced Nrf2 activation in the liver. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.51.

[30] 〇Yoko Yamashita, Chiaki Doumae, Fumio Nanba, Toshinari Maruo, Toshio Suzuki, Hitoshi Ashida: An intake of Black soybean improved vascular function in human. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.53.

[31] 〇Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Xiu Li, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Black soybean seed coat polyphenols prevent AAPH-induced oxidative DNA damage in hepatic cells. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.58.

[32] 〇Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Yusuke Kubota, Yumi Samukawa, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Glabridin inhibits dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1 p.58.

[33] 〇Wataru Tanaka, Hiroki Matsuyama, Daigo Yokoyama, Yoko Yamasita, Hitoshi Ashida, Hiroyuki Sakakibara: Effect of black soybean seed coat extracts on blood lipid levels in ApoE deficient mice. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.91.

[34] 〇Yasukiyo Yoshioka, Masako Inoue, Takashi Furuyashiki, Hitoshi Ashida: Enzymatically synthesized glycogen inhibits allergic responses in basophilic and mast cells. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.97.

[35] 〇Yoshioka Yasukiyo, Tomoya Kitakaze, Takakazu Mitani, Takashi Furuyashiki, Hitoshi Ashida: Enzymatically synthesized glycogen prevents UVB damage in normal human epidermal keratinocytes. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.97.

[36] 〇Tomoya Kitakaze, Sihao Yuan, Hitoshi Ashida: Effects of 6-(methylsulfinyl)hexyl isothiocyanate on induction of aldehyde dehydrogenase in hepatocytes. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.36, 111.

[37] 〇Takuya Nomura, Tomoya Kitakaze, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida: Inhibitory mechanism of polyphenols for the disruption of circadian clock via AhR. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.42, 127. Young Investigator Award

[38] 〇Ken-yu Hironao, Shujiao Huang, Yuji Mitsuhashi, Hitoshi Ashida, Yoko Yamashita: Cacao polyphenols regulate the clock gene expressions in mice. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.128.

[39] 〇Miki Yoshikawa, Tomoya Kitakaze, Naohiro Kimura, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Takahiro Ishikawa, Yoko Yamashita, Hitoshi Ashida, Naoki Harada, Ryoichi Yamaji: Extracellular transglutaminase 2 induces myotube hypertrophy through G protein-coupled receptor 56. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.130.

[40] 〇Hitoshi Ashida, Xiaokuo Tian, Tomoya Kitakaze, Yoko Yamashita: Bisacurone derived from turmeric suppresses hepatic lipid accumulation. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.134.

[41] 〇Xinwei Tan, Kazuki Maesako, Mitsugu Akagawa, Hitoshi Ashida, Takeshi Ishii: A new method for the purification of polyphenol-binding proteins by pull-down assay with polyvinylpolypyrrolidone. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.140.

[42] 〇Hitoshi Ashida,: Fisetin, but not robinetin, promotes glucose uptake in skeletal muscle: Involvement of pyruvate kinase PKM and ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.140.

[43] 〇Tomoya Kitakaze, Takashi Furuyashiki, Hitoshi Ashida: Effects of enzymatically synthesized glycogen on PM2.5-induced inflammation in NHEK cells. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.141.

[44] 〇Masako Inoue, Sihao Yuan, Tomoya Kitakaze, Hitoshi Ashida: Aged garlic extract induces aldehyde dehydrogenase via Nrf2/ARE pathway. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.43, 142. Young Investigator Award

[45] 〇早川諒, 中川侑紀, 飯泉陽介, 石井剛志, 芦田均, 赤川貢:フェニルホウ酸誘導体との親和性を利用した フラボ ノール標的タンパク質の網羅的分析法の開発. 日本農芸化学会2020年度大会, 九州大学, 3月25日-28日2A06p02.

[46] 〇廣直賢勇, 光橋雄史, 芦田均, 山下陽子:概日リズム依存的なプロシアニジン高含有食品素材の食 後高血糖抑制効果の検証. 日本農芸化学会2020年度大会, 九州大学, 3月25日-28日3A03p07.

[47] 〇高垣晶子, 吉岡泰淳, 山下陽子, 長野智哉, 池田真規, 芦田均:緑茶カテキン主用代謝物である 5-hydroxyphenylγ-valerolactone の L6 骨格筋細胞における糖取り込み促進作用. 日本農芸化学会2020年度大会, 九州大学, 3月25日-28日3A03a10.

[48] 〇長谷川莉沙, 劉軼韵, 北風智也, 山下陽子, 芦田均:アシタバ由来カルコンは 3T3-L1 脂肪細胞において脂肪 分解およびベージュ化を促進する. 日本農芸化学会2020年度大会, 九州大学, 3月25日-28日4A03a03.

[49] 〇野村拓也, 北風智也, 芦田均:AhR による体内時計の乱れを介した脂肪肝誘導のメカ ニズムとポリフェノールによる保護効果. 日本農芸化学会2020年度大会, 九州大学, 3月25日-28日4A03a05.


[1] 〇芦田均:ポリフェノール・パラドックスの観点からみたカテキンの機能性.第4回信州機能性食品開発研究会,信州大学農学部,2月15日

[2] 〇芦田均:血管機能改善効果の観点からの黒大豆ポリフェノールの機能性.SIPホメオスタシス多視点評価システム開発グループコンソーシアム 第8回シンポジウム『未来志向の次世代食品機能性と自然免疫』,笹川記念会館,3月15日

[3] 〇Hitoshi Ashida: Prevention of hyperglycemia by green tea for health. The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST) 2019 International Symposium and Annual Meeting, Korea, Jun 26-29, p.20

[4] 〇山下陽子: 「地域に根ざした食育の意義について考える」,令和元年度地域の特色を生かした食育推進事業(食育講演会), 山南住民センター やまなみホール, 8月26日

[5] 〇芦田均:ポリフェノールパラドックスの解明をめざして.日本農芸化学会関西・中部支部2019年度合同神戸大会(関西支部第510回記念講演会・中部支部第186回講演会)モーニングレクチャー,神戸大学農学部,9月21日―22日 p.41-42.

[6] 〇山下陽子「地域に根ざした日本型食生活と食育の大切さについて」令和元年度地域の特色を生かした食育推進事業学校食育実践研究大会(但馬地区大会)、豊岡市立資母小学校,11月15日

[7] 〇芦田均: 緑茶とカテキンによる高血糖予防. 第24回静岡健康・長寿学術フォーラム, 静岡県コンベンションアーツセンター, 11月9日-10日 p.20.

[8] 〇芦田均 特別講演(平成30年度飯島藤十郎食品科学賞)「生活習慣病予防に関わるポリフェノールの機能に関する研究」.公益財団法人飯島藤十郎記念食品科学振興財団第31回学術講演会 山崎製パン総合クリエイションセンター,11月22日

[9] 〇Hitoshi Ashida, Yoko Yamashita: Anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of flavan-3-ols. The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, November 28-December 1. p.20.

[10] 〇Yoko Yamashita, Ken-yu Hironao, Hitoshi Ashida: Cacao polyphenol promotes energy metabolism under the circadian clock gene expressions. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 P.66.

[11] 〇Tianshun Zhang, Qiushi Wang, Hitoshi Ashida, Zigang Dong: The Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei) chalcones 4-hydroxyderricin and xanthoangelol suppress malanomagenesis by targeting BRAF and PI3-K. The 7th International Conference on Food Factors/ The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019), Kobe, December 1-5 p.37.

[12] 〇Hitoshi Ashida, Yoko Yamashita, Kevin Croft: Prevention of hyperglycemia by quercetin and its derivatives. Innovative Horticulture for Healthy Foods Conference (IHHF2019) as a satellite conference for ICoFF2019. Pullman Resort Bunker Bay, Australia, December 8-10


[1] The 7th International Conference on Food Factors (ICoFF2019)/The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health 2019 (ICPH2019)/The 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods 2019 (ISNFF2019). Nov 28-Dec 5. Kobe. 芦田均:ICoFF2019/ICPH2019/ISNFF2019 合同開催組織委員会 組織委員長、ICoFF2019 会頭、ICPH2019会頭、 山下陽子:合同開催組織委員会 広報担当、接待担当

[2] 2019 International Garlic Symposium, May 28-30, Hiroshima, Co-President


[1] 山下陽子:[日本農芸化学会若手女性研究者賞]

[2] Chiaki Domae: [Young Investigator Award] The 9th Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Reserch-Asia, The effects of black soybean polyphenols on vascular function and its mechanism.

[3] Tomoya Kitakaze: [Young Investigator Award] The 9th Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Reserch-Asia, Molecular mechanism of physiological concentration of luteolin-Induced Nrf2 activation.

[4] 野村拓也:[若手奨励賞] 第58回日本栄養・食糧学会近畿支部大会, AhRを介する体内時計の変調に対するポリフェノールの抑制機構.

[5] Takuya Nomura : [Young Investigator Award] The 7th International Conference on Food Factors, Inhibitory mechanism of polyphenols for the disruption of circadian clock via AhR.

[6] Masako Inoue: [Young Investigator Award] The 7th International Conference on Food Factors, Aged garlic extract induces aldehyde dehydrogenase via Nrf2/ARE pathway.

[7] 山下陽子:[優秀若手研究者賞・理事賞] 神戸大学平成30年度優秀若手研究者賞