Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator


type Tandem PELLETRON 5SDH-2 (National Electrostatic Corporation, USA)
Negative ion source RF discharge source with Rb charge exchanger
Source of Negative Ions by Cesium Sputtering
Elements accelerated almost all stable isotopes
Terminal voltage 1.7 MV
Energy proton 3.4 MeV - heavy ion 10 MeV
Current 0.1 - 10 mA, depending on ion species
Beam lines5
P45 line
600-mm diam. target chamber,
4 sets of charged particle detection systems,
Ion implantor (Duoplasmatron:30keV/1mA)
P15 line
Microbeam lens, 280-mm diam. ultrahigh-vacuum target chamber
Low-energy ion source (microwave-discharge type; 50eV/0.05mA)
M15 line
Chamber for student training experiments / ion beam irradiation
Student training experiments / ion beam irradiation
M30 line
600-mm diam. target chamber
2 sets of charged particle detection systems
M45 line
300-mm diam. target chamber / wave dispersion PIXE chamber

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