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About Humic Samples

  • Two sets of humic and fulvic acids samples, isolated from two representative types of Japanese soils - an Umblic Andosol and a Dystric Cambisol by the IHSS method, were donated to JHSS by Lab. of Soil Science, Nagoya University-Professor Kuwatsuka and his co-workers.
  • These samples were accredited as standard samples by JHSS in 1991.
  • The chemical properties of these samples were reported in the following articles:
      1. Kuwatsuka, S., Watanabe, A., Itoh, K., and Arai, S. (1992) Comparison of two methods of preparation of humic and fulvic acids, IHSS method and NAGOYA method. Soil Sci. Plat. Nutri., 38, 23-30.
      2. Watanabe, A., Itoh, K., Arai, S., and Kuwatsuka, S. (1994) Comparison of the composition of humic and fulvic acids prepared by the IHSS method and NAGOYA method. Soil Sci. Plat. Nutri., 40, 601-608.
    1. Watanabe, A., Maie, N., Hepburn, A., McPhail, D.B., Abe, T., Ikeya, K., Ishida, Y., and Ohtani, H. (2004) Chemical characterization of Japanese Humic Substances Society standard soil humic and fulvic acids by spectroscopic and degradative analyses. Humic Substances Res., 1, 18-28.


PRICE LIST for 50mg

Dand soil – Dystric Cambisol

  • HA – 4,000 yen (8,000 yen for non-members)
  • FA – 12,000 yen (24,000 yen for non-members)

Inogashira soil – Umblic Andosol

  • HA – 4,000 yen (8,000 yen for non-members)
  • FA –12,000 yen (24,000 yen for non-members) lay off now.

Biwako – Lake Water

  • FA – 15,000 yen (30,000 yen for non-members)lay off now.


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Allowed Quantities.

JHSS standard humic and fulvic acids provide the user with a means of comparing results that are obtained by the same method in two or more laboratories or results that are obtained by different experimental methods in a single laboratory. Although they are often used as primary reagents for conducting studies on humic substances, this was not the original intent of the Collection. In order to allow for the use of our materials by the maximum number of laboratories, purchases of Standard Samples are limited to 100 mg per year.

Dr. YANAGI, Yukiko
FAculty of Agriculture
Yamaguchi University

E-mail : yyanagi