Conference and Meeting会議・会合案内

International Seminar on Advanced Smart Materials and Devices
(November 20, 2019)

スマート物質・材料研究の主張テーマの一つである量子ナノ構造を利用した光デバイスの開発と光物性に関して、国際セミナーを 開催します。 Stephen Sweeney 先生は フォトニックデバイスに向けた半導体に関する研究を長く行われており、特に、ビスマスや窒素を含む半導 体の研究をはじめ、赤外領域の光デバイスに関する研究でご活躍されています。
Richard Hogg 先生は量子ドットを始め、ナノ構造半導体を利用し た光デバイスの開発を長くされており、国内外の多くの企業と共同研究もされています。 また、 我々のセンターからも最近の研究結果について情報 提供を行い、 意見交換を行います。
14:00- Stephen Sweeney(University of Surrey, UK)
Emerging semiconductors for near-and mid-infrared photonic devices
14:45- Takashi Kita(Kobe University)
Engineering of intraband optical transitions for efficient infrared light sensing
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30- Yukihiro Harada(Kobe University)
Localized emission in nitrogen delta-doped GaAs and GaAsBi
16:00- Richard Hogg(University of Glasgow, UK)
All semiconductor photonics crystal lasers
16:45- Osamu Kojima(Kobe University)
Strain effects on terahertz wave emission from GaAs surface
会 場:工学研究科多目的室 (D1 201 203)

“Development of innovative light energy conversion systems by hierarchical approach” International Workshop on Frontier of Science and Technology for Solar Energy Conversion November 5-6, 2019

The development of science and technology that utilize renewable solar energy is one of the most important issues for us to realize a sustainable society. In the KAITAKU Project “Development of innovative light energy conversion systems by hierarchical approach” (, we will develop innovative light-to-energy conversion systems, such as highly efficient photocatalysts for solar hydrogen production, on the basis of a hierarchical multiscale approach where chemical reaction networks with different time and space scales are designed, analyzed, and controlled. To this end, researchers in various fields will cooperate with each other to promote integrated researches leading to the establishment of technologies and theories that go beyond conventional concepts.
******Nano -Medicine, Device and TechnologyMedicine, Device and Technology- November 15, 2019 ******
Hiroaki Akasaka (Assistant Professor, Graduate (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University)
"Radiation sensitization effect of gold nanoparticles and titanium peroxide nanoparticlestitanium peroxide nanoparticlestitanium peroxide nanoparticles including knowledge of immune radiation response"
Chiaki Ogino(Professor, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University)
"Inorganic nanoparticles for combination therapy with X-ray irradiation"
Hiroshi Sugimoto(Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kobe University)
"Colloidal Silicon Nanoparticles for Bionics and Photonics Applications"
Joseph J. Richardson (Research Fellow Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne)
"Nanoparticles and nanofilms constructed from metalconstructed from metal-phenolic networks for biomedical applications"

7th International Workshop on Epitaxial Growth and Fundamental Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures(SemiconNano2019)
September 24-27, 2019

SemiconNano is the international workshop on epitaxial growth and fundamental properties of semiconductor nanostructures. The SemiconNanos have a rich tradition of bringing together specialists and students in semiconductor nanostructures into a vibrant and highly integrative workshop that is conducive to sharing information, gaining knowledge, strengthening collaborations and moving forward fundamental physical properties, device fabrication as well as theoretical modeling of semiconductor nanostructures from basic and applied research. SemiconNano2019 will be held September 24-27, 2019, at Convention Hall of Integrated Research Center, Kobe University, Japan. The topics of SemiconNano2019 are as follows:

  1. Semiconductor nanostructures based quantum information
  2. Fundamentals of light matter interaction in nanostructures
  3. Spin phenomena in semiconductor nanostructures
  4. Novel photonic, electronic and plasmonic phenomena in materials
  5. Fundamentals of semiconductor nanostructure growth
  6. Quantum dots and nanowires
  7. 2D materials and topological insulators
  8. Semiconductor nanostructures for micro- and opto-electronics applications
  9. Advanced and highly efficient photovoltaics

Internship Program: collaborative meeting between RCASM
and Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)
(July 26, 2019)


アイントホーヘン工科大学は、北ブラバント州アイントホーフェンにあり、TU/eという愛称で知られています。設立は1956年で、理学、マネジメント学、医療学が設置されており、総学生数は8,800人以上におよび、留学生はそのうちの1,290人以上を占めています。アイントホーヘン市にはフィリップスやASML等の国際的な大企業があり、卒業後も留学生の7割が仕事を得て市内に留まっているそうです。 また、工学、科学技術に特化した研究大学として知られ、質の高い研究や開発の進展が高く評価されています。同大学では図書館・コミュニケーションルームなどの施設も充実しており、様々な国籍の学生が文化交流を行うことができる環境を整えています。また国際的な評価も高く、世界大学ランキングではQS社(2019)で99位、ヨーロッパ内で34位、オランダでは3位につけています。
今回は、“TU/e Internship in Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University”として、電気電子工学専攻の喜多隆教授の案内で、電気電子工学専攻フォトニック材料学研究室および先端スマート物質・材料工学研究センターを見学されました。また、双方の学生教員によるプレゼンテーションを通じて、大学と社会の環境の違いや生活文化の話にまで話題を広げて意見交換し、交流を図りました。

Organization for Advanced and Integrated Research, Kobe University Exploring project
"Deployment of environmentally-friendly nanoparticles to bionics, photonics and electronics" Kick-off meeting
June 6, 2019 Room 125, Science and Technology Research Building 3, Kobe University

In this project, researchers in different disciplines (applied chemistry, material science, medical science and electronics) gather together to explore bionics, photonics and electronics applications of nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, nanocrystals and quantum dots. The aim of the kick-off meeting is to deepen mutual understanding of research activities within the group and accelerate the collaboration.

9:00 Introduction (Minoru FUJII)
9:05 Yukiya KITAYAMA, and Toshifumi TAKEUCHI Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University "Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Nanogels Acquiring Stealth Property using Intrinsic Proteins as Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery"
"Radiation sensitization effect of gold nanoparticles and titanium peroxide nanoparticlestitanium peroxide nanoparticlestitanium peroxide nanoparticles including knowledge of immune radiation response"

9:25 Hiroaki AKASAKA, Sachiko INUBUSHI, and Ryohei SASAKI Division of Radiation Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University / Division of Radiation Oncology, Kobe University Hospital "Medicine Meets Applied Chemistry"(医学が求める応用化学)

9:45 Chiaki OGINO1, Yuya NISHIMURA1, Ryohei SASAKI2 1Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University 2Division of Radiation Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University "Cancer Therapy by Combination of Inorganic Nanoparticle and X-ray Irradiation"

10:05 (invited talk) Michael J. SAILOR
University of California, San Diego, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Department of Nanoengineering "Treatment of Bacterial Infections with Porous Silicon Nanoparticles"

11:20 Hiroshi SUGIMOTO, and Minoru FUJII Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University "Colloidal Solutions of Silicon Quantum Dots and Nanocrystals for Bionics, Photonics and Electronics Applications"

11:40 Masatoshi KITAMURA Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University "Surface Control for Organic Thin-Film Transistors"

12:00 Takashi KITA, Shigeo ASAHI, and Takahiko MURATA Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University "Novel Engineering of Intraband Optical Transitions for Efficient Infrared Light Sensing"

12:20 Closing remark (Minoru FUJII)

3rd Bilateral Workshop on Research Exchange between Kobe University and National Taiwan University
(July 17-18, 2018)
