POSTER Session

Posters and oral talks on Indico

Contribution of the poster session
*: with oral presentation
Phillip Urquijo* U. of Geneva Commissioning of the ATLAS Trigger Event Selection with Single-Beam and Cosmic Rays
Z. Wazir COMSATS, Pakistan Centrality of collision and method on basis of Random Matrix Theory
J.-Alexis Rodriguez U. Nacional de Colombia Searching the charged Higgs boson of the two Higss doublet model type III
Miroslav Myska* Institute of Physics of the ASCR Study of double Drell-Yan process
Zdenek Hubacek Czech Technical University Inclusive Three-Jet Cross Section at D0
Kyung Kwang Joo Chonnam Nat. U. R&D for Gd-loaded Liquid Scintillator in the Reactor Neutrino Experiment
Byoung Chan Kim* Chonnam Nat. U. RENO: Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation at Yonggwang
Patrick Ryan Michigan State U. Single-Top Cross-Section Measurements at ATLAS
C. H. Wang National Cheng Kung University The Stress Analysis of Large Acrylic Vessels in Neutrino Experiments
Kentaro Miuchi* Kyoto U. NEWAGE: Direction-sensitive dark matter search with a micro-TPC
Miika Klemetti McGill U. Performance of the ATLAS Jet Trigger and implications in physics studies
Roberto Castello U. Torino The calibration of muon momentum scale in the CMS detector
H. Yabumoto Tohoku U. Development of a balloon for Xe-loaded liquid scintillator for neutrinoless double beta decay experiment in KamLAND
S. Miyamoto* Nagoya U. Search for nu_mu -> nu_tau appearance in OPERA
Hiroko Watanabe Tohoku U. Directional measurement of anti-neutrinos
Tommaso Dorigo Padova Search for the SM Higgs Boson at CMS
(Tommaso Dorigo) No presentation for this poster Projected exclusion limits on the SM Higgs boson cross sections obtained by combining the Higgs channels at LHC
Marco Musich* U. Torino First Alignment of the CMS Tracker and Implications for the First Collision Data
Hideki Morii Kyoto U. Search for the KL->pi0nunubar at E391a experiment
T. Yano Kobe U. Current status of the Side Muon Range Detector for the T2K experiment
Azusa Terashima* Tohoku U. Status of double beta decay experiment with KamLAND
Y. Shimizu ICRR, U. Tokyo Super-Kamiokande data reduction for T2K experiment
A. Murakami* Kyoto U. T2K Beam Commissioning with the muon monitor
Y. Kozuma Kyoto U. transfer system of beam timing information from J-PARC to Super-Kamiokande for T2K experiment
Takahiko Masuda Kyoto U. Low power PMT base for KOTO experiment using Cockcroft-Walton circuit
Masashi Otani Kyoto U. Design and beam commissioning status of INGRID Neutrino Beam Monitor for T2K Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
Artem Baghdasaryan Yarevan physics institute Jets and alpha_s from the H1 experiment at HERA
Lluis Marti Magro UA Madrid Multiple Parton Interactions at HERA
K. Ieki Kyoto U. T2K near detector FGD construction and DAQ test
Yasuhiro Nakajima* Kyoto U. Search for Muon Neutrino Disappearance in a Short-Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Beam
Yoshinori Kurimoto Kyoto U. Neutral current pion production measurements in muon neutrino beam
Daniela Rebuzzi Pavia Search for the Higgs boson in the channel H -> ZZ(*) -> 4l with the ATLAS Detector
Miika Klemetti McGill U. Light Charged Higgs Boson Search in the Dilepton Channel in Early Data at ATLAS
Anastopoulos Christos Sheffield Measurement of the $ZQ\bar{Q}$ background for the Higgs $\ra ZZ^{(*)} \ra 4l $ in ATLAS with early LHC data
Gustavo Gil da Silveira UFRGS Diffractive Higgs boson photoproduction in proton-proton collisions
Chao Liu USTC Search for the $X(1812)$ and branching fraction measurement in $B^\pm \to K^\pm \omega \phi$ decay
Md Naimuddin* Delhi U. Model Independent searches for New Physics at the D0 Experiment
Kirika Uchida Osaka U. b-tagging in Early Data-Taking at the ATLAS Experiment
Shogo Okada Kobe U. Stable massive particle in the ATLAS high-level muon trigger

Poster submission with oral presentation is now CLOSED. We continue to receive poster contribution without the talk.

The Physics in Collision Conference traditionally arranges poster sessions for contributions of the participants.
All abstracts for posters having potential interest to the HEP community are welcome. This includes topics such as current experimental measurements, detectors, future experiments and facilities, theoretical ideas ,etc.

Up to twelve of the posters will be selected for brief presentation in a plenary session, as well as being available for viewing during the symposium and at a poster session with presenters available for informal discussion.
An IAC sub-committee will make the decision on the acceptance of posters and selection for the oral presentation. Write-ups of the accepted contribution appear in the final proceedings of the conference.

Physicists interested in contributing with posters are requested to submit a brief abstract (within 150 words) by E-mail to . The deadline for abstract submissions as a candidate for the oral presentation is 31 May 2009. We may continue accepting posters after that, but they may not be selected for the oral presentation.


Submission for poster with grant is now CLOSED. The information below is for reference.

A limited number of support grants are available for young researchers who present a poster abstract and are in difficult situations. The grants can cover partially or totally the travel costs and per diem. No reduction on the conference fee is foreseen.

Those who apply for the grand are requested to submit, together with the proposed poster abstract, an application explaining the personal situation and needs and a letter of reference from a supervisor. The abstract and application should be sent by Email to . The deadline is 31 May 2009.
