Program and Agenda

30 August: registration desk open in the afternoon in Sannomiya.
31 August - 2 September: plenary sessions.

Link to Agenda on Indico


Sunday, 30 August

Monday, 31 August

  • 7:35, 7:45 bus starts at Sannomiya
    8:30-9:00 registration
    9:00 - 18:10 plenary session
    18:30- conference reception

Tuesday, 1 September

  • 7:35, 7:45 bus starts at Sannomiya
    8:30-14:30 plenary session
    14:30-15:30 oral presentation for poster
    15:30-16:30 poster session
    16:30:17:15 plenary session
    17:30-19:30 short excursion
    19:30- dinner

Wednesday, 2 September

  • 7:35, 7:45 bus starts at Sannomiya
    8:30-ca. 18:10 plenary session

The talks in the plenary sessions are invitation only. The list of talks and appointed speakers are listed below.

A poster session will be allocated between plenary sessions. For selected poster prenters, an opportunity to give a short talk during the plenary sessions will be given. For detail of poster sessions, please see here.

Note: On 31 Aug, 1 and 2 Sep, shuttle bus service will be provided from Sannomiya area to the conference site in the morning. Departure at 7:35 and 8:35 in between Kobe Tokyu Inn and Sanside hotel. See map in our access guide, page 1.

For convenience, we recommend you to book hotels at Sannomiya area (see also Accomodation and Registration page).

Social program

Day 1 (Monday, 31 August):
conference reception at the Kobe University in the evening (18:30-20:00)

Day 2 (Tuesday, 1 September):
a short bus tour from Kobe University (17:30-19:30) to old habour of Kobe, including a boat trip in the harbour
Conference dinner (19:30-)

After conference: on 3 September, we plan to organise a tour visiting nearby historical city, Nara, guided by our students using public transportation.

Sessions and Talks
Talks are 40 minutes + 5 minutes discussion unless otherwise specified
Schedule of sessions are to be fixed

Top quark measurements Bernd Stelzer (Simon Fraser Univ.)
W/Z production and properties Pierre Petroff (LAL)
Multi-boson production Paolo Mastrandrea (FNAL)
Hadronic contribution to R and g-2 from ISR data (25'+5') Denis Bernard (Ecole Polytechnique LLR)
Heavy Flavours
CP violation from B-decays Yosuke Yusa (Virginia Polytechnic Inst.)
New physics searches from B-decays Pablo del Amo Sanchez (LPNHE-IN2P3-CNRS)
Non-4S Upsilon decays in B-factories (25'+5') Roberto Mussa (Torino)
D mixing Fernando Martinez-Vidal (Barcelona)
Exotic Hadrons (25'+5') Changzheng Yuan (IHEP, Beijing)
Charm Physics (25'+5') David Asner (Carleton)
Heavy b-quark hadrons Dmitri Tsybychev (Stony Brook)
Kaon physics Tommaso Spadaro (Frascati)
Measurements and predictions of f_{D_s} (25'+5') Andreas Kronfeld (FNAL)
Probing QCD at the highest Q^2 deep-inelastic scattering James Ferrando (Univ. of Oxford)
Diffraction and its QCD interpretation Laurent Schoeffel (IRFU Saclay)
High-Et jet production Kenichi Hatakeyama (Rockfeller)
Spin Physics Naohito Saito (KEK)
Heavy-ion Physics Helen Caines (Yale)
Lattice QCD Shoji Hashimoto (KEK)
Higgs search Krisztian Peters (Manchester)
Searches for new physics with high-energy colliders Emmanuel Sauvan (CPPM Marseille)
Solar neutrinos (25'+5') Marco Pallavicini (Genoa)
LBL neutrino oscillations Brian Rebel (FNAL)
SBL neutrino oscillations (25'+5') Kendall Mahn (Columbia)
Neutrino interaction cross sections (25'+5') Masashi Yokoyama (Kyoto Univ.)
Astroparticle Physics
Gamma-ray particle astrophysics Tsunefumi Mizuno (Hiroshima Univ.)
Direct search for dark matter (25'+5') Jonghee Yoo (FNAL)
Indirect search for dark matter (25'+5') Marco Casolino (Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata")
Axion search (25'+5') Aaron Chou (FNAL)
Observation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays Radomir Smida (ASCR Prague)
