January 18 (Sat) – 19 (Sun), 2025
Kobe University Integrated Research Center
(Please note this Center is located on Port Island, Kobe City)
Hybrid, with live streaming through ZOOM
All speakers and panelists are participating in-person at the venue.
January 18 (Sat)
13:30 Opening
13:45 Keynote Speech, followed by Q&A
14:30 Coffee Break
14:45 A message from the Youth by Ms. Anna Lauenburger
Students’ Presentation
Introducing the invited guests from City of Hiroshima
15:00 Panel Discussion #1: Peace and Science
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Panel Discussion #2: Natural Reserve
17:30 Closing
January 19 (Sun)
13:30 Antarctic Public Symposium
(Japanese language and no interpretation)
January 21 (Tue)
13:20 28th PCRC/GSICS International Law Seminar
New Insights into International Polar Law: A view from early-career scholars
Guest Speakers: Anna Lauenburger, Yliana V. Rodríguez, Ville Kari, Indi Hodgson-Johnston
Venue: Kobe University Main Campus
Keynote speaker and Panelists
・Kazuhiko NAKAMURA
Legal Adviser/ Director-General, International Legal Affairs Bureau
(former Director-General for Global Issues), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Professor, University of Tokyo; President, Central Environment Council of Japan
Professor, University of Groningen; Advisor to the Dutch ATCM delegation
Professor, Fudan University, China
Ph.D. candidate, University of Canterbury; CEP Representative, New Zealand
・Jeff McGEE
Visiting Professor, Kobe University; Professor, University of Tasmania
Journalist, The Asahi Shimbun
Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania; Chief Rapporteur of ATCM (2024- )
・Ville KARI
Assistant Professor, Tilburg University
Assistant Professor, University of the Republic of Uruguay
・Anna Christin LAUENBURGER
Candidate, MA in polar law, University of Akureyri
・Satoshi IMURA
Director, Center for Antarctic Program, National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR)
・Hyoung Chul SHIN
President, Korea Polar Research Institute(KOPRI)
・Chaerin JUNG
Senior Administrative Associate, Office of Policy Development, KOPRI
LL.M. candidate, Kobe University
Director, Polar Cooperation Research Centre, Kobe University
Invited Guests
Director, Internationalization Department, Citizens Affairs Bureau, Hiroshima City
・Masatoshi NOSAKA
Director, Internationalization Division, Int'l Peace Promotion Dept., Hiroshima City
Supervisor, Internationalization Division, Int'l Peace Promotion Dept., Hiroshima City
・Rumiko KITAO
Assistant Director, Global Environment Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Seninor Coordinator for Biodiversity, Biodiversity Policy Division, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Assistant Director, Biodiversity Policy Division, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
First Secretary (Political Affairs), German Embassy Tokyo
・Seonung CHOI
Head, Office of Policy Development, KOPRI
Researcher, Polar Cooperation Research Centre, Kobe University
・Fumika IWAMA
LL.M. candidate, Kobe University
Keynote Speech
"Japan and the Antarctic: towards 2026 ATCM in Hiroshima"
Topics to be covered in panel discussion
・Peace in Antarctica: Significance of Hiroshima ATCM
・A Message from the youth
・Geopolitical context of Antarctic governance today
・Governance challenges facing the three upcoming ATCM hosts: Italy, Japan and Korea
・Report adoption: roadblocks and solutions
・A Chinese perspective on some (difficult) ATCM & CEP agenda items
・Governance responses to the Antarctic tourism
・Efforts to bring into force the Annex VI on Environmental Liability
・CEP agenda items and role of science and SCAR in its environmental decision-making
・Equity, diversity and inclusiveness (EDI): role of language
・A perspective from a journalist on Antarctica and Antarctic Treaty
Registration / ZOOM Webinar Registration
◆In-person registration
In-person Registration deadline: 17:00, January 8 (Wed), 2025 (JST)
If you are planning to attend this workshop in-person,
please inform by Email as soon as feasible.
MAIL to: KOBE PCRC Symposium Secretariat : pcrc.symposium[at]
◆ZOOM Webinar registration
Zoom Webinar Registration deadline: 17:00, January 10 (Fri), 2025 (JST)
Pre-registration for online auditing via ZOOM Webinar is required.
Webinar Registration(closed)
Kobe PCRC / KOPRI Antarctic Governance Workshop