Research Center for Food Safety and Security,
Graduate School of Agricultural Science,
Kobe University
Graduate School of Agricultural Science,
Kobe University
上記背景に鑑み、私たち神戸大学農学研究科は食の安全・安定供給・機能性に関する様々な課題について「農場から食卓(From Farm to Fork [or Table])」までを網羅する総合的なアプローチをもって取り組むことにしました。この取り組みの一環として、2006年4月に本研究科に我が国の大学機関においては初の食の安全・安心科学センター(Research Center for Food Safety and Security; RCFSS)を設立いたしました。RCFSSは「農場から食卓まで」を視野に入れた農畜水産物・加工食品および病原微生物・有害化学物質の「追跡可能性(トレーサビリティー)」を保証する理論・技術の創出・確立をコア科学分野としています。具体的には農畜水産物等や、それらを汚染する恐れのある危害物質等のトレーサビリティーを保証する迅速で精度の高い新規の検出・同定・識別法の開発を行います。トレーサビリティーの確保によって、健康を害する化学物質および危険生物による食物汚染の発生源を特定し、有効かつ迅速な汚染原因の排除・汚染経路の遮断、また再発を予防すること、加えて、生産地や成分表示等の偽装を抑止し、類似物を区別することを可能にします。他方、学内の動植物防疫科学や食材・健康科学に関する研究グループ・研究者と連携し、我が国における農畜水産物の安定生産確保と、機能性食品の創出と安全性の検証に向けた教育研究を推進します。これらの取り組みをもって、食の安全安心科学に関する理論・技術のグローバルスタンダード樹立を目指し、我が国の食料安全保障に関わる総合研究領域を開拓します。これらの目的を達成するべく、RCFSSは学内研究教育機関はもとより兵庫県、神戸市、(独)農林水産消費安全技術センター、国立感染研究所、コープ神戸や食品・医薬品会社と恊働・連携して研究活動を進めております。
万年英之 教授(センター長)
万年英之 教授(センター長)
The Aim of Research Center for Food Safety and Security (RCFSS)
As voiced by Dr. F. Fischler of the European Commission responsible for Agriculture at the beginning of this century “We have to opt for an integrated approach towards agriculture and food: from stable to table, or from farm to fork. Modern agriculture has to be demand-oriented and meet the expectations of consumers and citizens alike”, food safety has been identified as a key component in meeting the challenges of the ever changing agriculture environments and the agri-food market both in Japan and internationally.
Now, Japan is heavily dependent on imports for her food supply and there are growing public concerns about not only the safety aspect of foods and agricultural products available in the market but also their stable production. The public concern includes contaminations by infectious agents (i.e. unusual prions, avian influenza, SARS, EHEC O157, cholera), genetically modified elements (i.e. GM foods), and toxic chemicals (e.g. dioxins, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics). We must recognize the importance of food safety and security and the need to work collaboratively with other agricultural institutes within and outside of Japan to meet these challenges.
Equally challenging is development of foods and dietary components that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition since the recent consumers’ interest in the relationship between diet and health has markedly increased the demand for better and safer products. As many of us are well aware, there are countless numbers of so-called “health foods & supplements”, “probiotics”, “prebiotics”, and “synbiotics” available in markets worldwide. Some of them are reportedly to be beneficial to our health and others are alleged to be counter-beneficial, causing much confusion and skepticism in the public. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for us to have ways to establish a solid scientific basis to support and further validate claims for their functionality and safety. In this context, the RCFSS has been established at the Graduate School of Agricultural Science of Kobe University since April 2006 as the first on-campus research center for food safety and security ever established in Japan. The aim of RCFSS is to help develop not only new strategies and technologies for safe and stable production of foods and agricultural products but also more effective and safer functional foods and supplements. In order to accomplish this aim, RCFSS cooperates with other intra- and extra-disciplines: 1) Food Safety Division puts emphasis on development of strategies and technologies to ensure “traceability” of foods and agricultural products as well as chemical and bio-hazards potentially contaminating them in the course of “from stable to table”; 2) The Food Security Division aims at development of strategies and technologies to ensure stable production or supply of safe agricultural products, with specific emphasis on controlling animal and plant diseases; and 3) Functional Foods Division aims at development of safe and effective functional foods and components to promote human health.
Various studies have been conducted and novel technologies developed by a group of researchers of different scientific disciplines that include biochemistry, animal and plant genetics, microbiology, veterinary medicine, plant pathology and agricultural engineering.
メールアドレス foodss★people.kobe-u.ac.jp