
The International Membrane Workshop in Kobe (iWMK2022) opens in Nov 17-18, featured page updated !

The International Workshop on Membrane in Kobe (iWMK) is an annual event hosted by the Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology, Kobe University (MaFTech center), with the aim at academic exchanges and discussions on today’s advanced membrane research and technology.

Owing to the COVID pandemic the iWMK2022 will be an online event on ZOOM. Totally 14 universities from 8 different countries and regions will give presentations on their recent research activities. This time we are very honored to have Prof. Rong WANG from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore for a Plenary Talk. Additionally we also improved the student’s online poster presentation with longer time for academic exchanges.

As the following we opened the featured page of iWMK2022.
Feel free to explore the detail on the iWMK corner (See also). More information will be added soon.